"They Sleep Beneath the Mockingbird",
A Listing of Cemeteries of
Our Confederate Dead
by County
Information obtained from Online sources
and MS Grave Registry Microfilms
Cemetery Name GPS Location or Section Location
Brandon Hall Plantation 313654; 911522 8 mi NE of Natchez
Buckels 313319; 910931 0.75 mi N of Leesdale
Farrar 313431; 910929 7 mi NW of Roxie
Ferguson Family 6 mi NNE of Cannonsburg
Foster Mound 313555; 911957 5 mi NE of Natchez
Hamly near Natchez
312309; 911741 13 mi SSE of Natchez
Lansdowne Plantation 312229; 913127 16 mi SW of Natchez
Mt. Carmel Church In County
Natchez City 313434; 912340 Natchez
Pine Ridge near Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge Presbyterian Pine Ridge
Retirement Plantation 312702; 911937 or 9 mi SE of Natchez
S24; T6N; R2W
Routh (Pvt) 313254; 912352 Natchez
Unity Natchez
Washington City