Information obtained from Online sources
and MS Grave Registry Microfilms
Cemetery Name GPS Location or Section Location
Ashland (aka Little Hope) 345014; 891024 Ashland
Ayers 344537; 891221 5.4 mi SSW of Ashland
Bagby near Canaan
Beck 3 mi SW of Ashland
Bethel 344316; 890810 14 mi SE of Ashland
Bethlehem 345209; 890834 3 mi NE of Ashland
Black Jack 345248; 890500 5 mi NE of Ashland
Bogard 344815; 891448 1 mi SW of Snow Lake Shores
Canaan 245556; 890744 Canaan
Duncan Family (aka Blue Mountain) 344350; 890626 4.25 mi NE of Pine Grove
Gov. Matthews Family 345031; 891537 2.5 mi NW of Snow Lake Shores
Hickory Flat (S26-T5-R1E) 343731; 891016 ? 1 mi NE of Hickory Flat
Hinton-Edwards 1.25 mi NW of Hintonville
Hopewell 345745; 890316 0.5 mi SW of Hopewell
344916; 890208 8 mi E of Ashland
Flat Rock 343923; 890551 4 mi WSW of Blue Mountain
Friendship 344927; 890640 4 mi E of Ashland
Liberty 344717; 891356 5 mi SW of Ashland
Macedonia near Hickory Flat
McKay 343721; 891127 0.5 mi NW of Hickory Flat
Mt. Pleasant 345619; 890205 3 mi SE of Brady
Mt. Zion (aka Mt. Zion East) 345147; 890408 6 mi ENE of Ashland
Mt. Zion CME 344758; 891625 6.67 mi SW of Ashland
Mt. Zion West 344845; 891656 6 mi WSW of Ashland
New Hope 345132; 890532 5 mi ENE of Ashland
Old Culp Ashland
Old Harmony 344432; 891730 9 mi ESE of Holly Springs
Old Hickory Flat 343731; 891007 1.75 mi NE of Hickory Flat
Pine Grove 344223; 891030 Pine Grove
Pisgah 343737; 891317 2.5 mi E of Winborn
Pleasant Hill 344704; 890928 5 mi S of Ashland
Selph-Collins 6.75 mi N of Hickory Flat
Shelby Creek 344616; 890516 7 mi SE of Ashland
Valley Grove 345815; 891543 1 mi SW of Michigan City
Woodson (aka Bogard Family) 3 mi E of Michigan City
Wynn Family S1-T2-R1W 2.5 mi W of Spring Hill