"They Sleep Beneath the Mockingbird",
A Listing of Cemeteries of
Our Confederate Dead
by County

Information obtained from Online sources
and MS Grave Registry Microfilms
Cemetery Name GPS Location or Section Location
Beersheba Cumberland Pres. 332806; 881805 6 mi E of Columbus
Bethel Presbyterian 14 mi SW of Columbus
Crawford 331810; 883828 1 mi W of Crawford
Culp In County
Egger 334327; 881858 3 mi NNE of Caledonia
Friendship 332856; 882543 Columbus
Hulbert Family In County
Ledbetter 331804; 883350 3.5 mi E of Crawford
Lebanon Baptist 7 mi E of Columbus
Liberty Hall near New Hope
Lone Oak 333743; 881648 2 mi NE of Woodlawn
Mayhew 332834; 883813 5 mi N of Artesia
Murrah Chapel 332331; 881910 4 mi S of New Hope
Murray's In County
Piney Grove 333439; 881657 9 mi NE of Columbus
Rowan 333813; 881804 1.2 mi NE of Woodlawn
Sand Creek 332838; 884912 4.5 mi NNW of Artesia
Shaffer's Chapel Methodis Bent Oak
Unity 334023; 881940 0.75 mi S of Caledonia
Vaughn's 333635; 882010 1.6 mi SW of Woodlawn
Woodlawn 333725; 881835 0.1 mi NE of Woodlawn