Mississippi Confederate
Grave Registry
The following is a listing of our Honored Confederate Dead who sleep beneath the mockingbird. This list is taken from the "Mississippi Confederate Grave Registry" microfilms at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Anyone having an ancestor not listed, additional information on a Confederate Veteran, or a correction may send the information to Dan McCaskill.  Names listed in red are not on the Registry and information in blue is from other sources. Direction and distance to cemeteries are from center of the city. This is a work in progress and may take a year or more to complete. 
Please be patient!  This is for research Only.
Last updated 06-06-2023
Wa - Walker, James    Walker, Je - Wallace   Waller - Ward   Wardell - Watkins

Wartl - Wea   Web - Wellborn   Welle - Wes   Wet - White, P   White, Q - Whitti

Whittl - Willb   Wille - Williams, James   Williams, Jason - Williams, W

Williamson - Jesse   Wilson, Joe - Winston   Winter - Woodruff

Woods - Wright, K    Wright, L. - Wy